Saturday, May 9, 2009

story treatmen

My story will be celebrating a special spring day which is Lilac Sunday. This happens every year the second Sunday of May at the Arboretum in Jamaica Plain. I want to film the wonder of the day. The arboretum has 180 varieties of lilacs. It is a day many people come out to enjoy and picnic in this beautiful space.
I will film the entrance to Te park and the walk to the lilac path. A wide view of all the lilac trees and some closeups. I want to capture the people enjoying them selves picnicking and smelling the lilacs.I am considering asking people what the experience is.I will have a variety of shots of lots of people and shots of just one person. I hope to be able to film all different ages.
I want to capture the wonder and the smell of lilacs so will have lots of footage from all different angles of the lilac trees. i would like the final scenes to totally fill the screen with lilacs so the viewer can almost smell them.
I would like to accompany the film with the music from Sleeping Beauty called " The Lilac Fairy:

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good -- let's talk on 5/19 about music usage and rights.
