Monday, April 13, 2009

4.14 homework

this is called choke hold.

I feel like I should have explained this a little more. This is a tree branch being strangled by that wire. To the right the tree is alive, and to the left the tree is dead.


  1. This is such an amazing picture. I actually thought it was an extreme close up of a piece of meat. I am the wire cutting off the flow of water the branch is supposed to get from the rest of the tree? I also wish I could see a little bit more of the tree, get more sense of what the tree alive looks like to the right.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I too thought it was meat... I rather like the rancid looking effect here. If you hadn't informed us of the fact that it was a tree i suspect no one would have guessed. I only with the focus was a little sharper.

  4. I did think I was looking at rotting flesh, until you said it was the dead and living parts of a tree.

  5. I wish it was more focused too! I broke my camera so only had my mom's digital camera and the zoom is pretty much stuck out and it is 5 pixels...I know nothing about photography so was pretty pleased with the way it came out, but i do wish it was more focused. I agree with Lili too, I should show more of the tree. It is in my backyard, so I can have a lot more fun with this another time.

  6. I've been looking at Micheal Kenna's work.Although it is not digital it gives a real sense of place and time. It is also beautiful.
